4th Grade Math Homework




Math homework is assigned most nights. Students switch from their homeroom to their assigned math teacher’s room daily for about one hour of math instruction targeted to their math abilities. Please check with your child’s math teacher for detailed information about nightly homework. The math curriculum we use is made up of Units, Chapters, and Lessons. If Chapter 1 - Lesson 3 is taught in class (see student agendas), students will usually be assigned the Chapter 1 - Lesson 3 homework from their math book for homework. Note that the homework pages are gray and are labled and have an "A" side and a "B" side. Each chapter will then end with an assessment.

The Go Math book needs to go to school each day so we can rip out those gray pages and turn them in for credit.

If a student misses a class, they can click on the Lesson they missed, on the previous web page, and a "Mr. Math Blog" youtube video will teach nearly the same concepts covered in class. You may find it helpful.

If you lose your homework, you can print off the pages you need using the links provided on the previous web page. Be sure to only print the pages you need, otherwise you will be printing the entire chapter!